The list below provides a brief overview of all commonly used projects in the webpack ecosystem.
A simple in-memory filesystem that holds data in a javascript object.
A bundler for javascript and friends.
webpack loader utilities.
Fast line to line SourceMap generator.
A highly configurable asynchronous require.resolve function.
Just a little module for plugins.
Wrapper library for directory and file watching.
The node core libs for in browser usage.
A development server that updates the browser on file changes.
A simple loader for copying and renaming files.
Load and inject stylesheets into the DOM.
Load CSS modules and resolve any dependencies.
Middleware which arguments a live bundle to a directory.
A simple parser based on a statemachine and regular expressions.
Load JSON into a pre-parsed variable.
Load files into data urls based on byte limit.
Source code handling classes for webpack.
Load and parse SASS modules into CSS.
Use webpack to pre-process files in karma.
Detect and import libraries based on the use of certain variables.
Load a module's contents as a string.
Load a module's contents directly into export statements.
Load and parse LESS modules into CSS.
Expose modules as global variables.
Load HTML modules/templates as strings.
Run webpack loaders.
Run webpack through a stream interface.
Extract source-map comments from modules to pass to webpack.
Load an empty module.
Compress assets to serve with Content-Encoding.
Integrate webpack into a grunt build process.
Load and lint modules with JSHint.
Load and parse coffee script modules into JS.
Load modules as workers.
Load mocha modules for testing.
Load and execute a module while compiling, returning the result.
Load JSON5 into a pre-parsed variable.
Load native node modules.
Test modules' code coverage using CoverJS.
Load angular2 components, inlining all html and styling.
Optimize and minify your CSS using cssnano.